Māori Medium Pathway (Wānanga)

Māori Medium Pathway refers to our bilingual unit – He Kupenga Rua a Tāne. This journey can begin as early as year 10 with our junior wānanga class.

This class is application based with limited spaces available and runs very much like a standard year 10 rōpū whānau. What makes it unique is the classroom environment, the content taught in lessons and the extra-curricular expectations on the learners in this space (pōhiri, school tikanga & Kaupapa Māori leadership etc).

This class spends a year together being immersed in a mixed learning space that incorporates Te Ao Māori & mainstream education. Our curriculum is delivered using a Kaupapa Māori approach where tikanga, matauranga & Māori teaching and learning methods are prioritised.

Learners in this space apply with the intention of taking our senior Māori medium pathway (senior wānanga).


In year 11, 12 & 13 learners can apply to join our senior wānanga. We have limited spaces available due to classroom size and teacher resource. This class is a mixed year level rōpū whānau (home room) that stay together for the equivalent of three subjects (half their timetable). During this time, learners cover classwork from three different areas of the curriculum - Te Reo Māori, English and History.

Due to the nature of wānanga (one classroom for up to 3 hours a day), learners can tackle their class work and assessments for longer periods of time, allowing them to knuckle down on one subject for longer when necessary. We attempt to form connections between our three subjects ensuring the teaching and learning we do is applicable across assessments and year levels. We often block teach a topic and link multiple NCEA standards to that learning.

The senior wānanga is taught by a team of three teachers. It is taught bilingually with the use of English & Te Reo Māori. All learners are welcome to apply, and any level of Māori language is accepted. Please note that whānau involvement is a huge component of this class and parents and caregivers play a crucial and active role in our space. Learners in our space are responsible for running numerous Kaupapa Māori initiatives throughout the school and community. We take great pride in being one of a few bilingual spaces in Aotearoa New Zealand that attempt to bring parity to secondary school education by way of honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi and offering a dual pathway to accomplishing a secondary school qualification.