Whangaparaoa College Whangaparaoa College

Junior English Language

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs K. Aitken.

Recommended Prior Learning

EL learners are assessed mid-year and on entry to the college, and advised which EL class to choose, prior to Course Selection.

This course caters for migrant, Pasifika and international 2nd language learners (ELLs) in Years 8-10. The aim of the course is to develop academic vocabulary and competency in English skills across listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is multi-level with the opportunity for Year 10 learners to gain credits towards NCEA Level 1, to be held until 2025.

The course targets the learning needs of individual learners and prepares them for L1 Literacy. It also supports enables learners to be successful in mainstream subjects.

The EL classroom is a positive, nurturing environment which values and embraces the languages and cultures of the learners. Learners are encouraged to share their cultures and support each other in their learning. Their cultures are an integral focus in the course for discussions, writing and presentation topics.

Course Overview

Term 1
Diagnostic testing and ELLP testing across all strands: listening, speaking, reading and writing. This provides the core of a learner focused programme which caters for diverse levels of English language acquisition.

ASB Polyfest trip is integral to this term

Term 2
Reading and writing focus, including the development of vocabulary, and ELLP testing at the end of term to gauge progress and gaps for future learning.

Matariki is a key theme and international food stalls.

Term 3
Communication focus as a basis for developing literacy skills and oral confidence.

Term 4
Focus on developing all skills with a book study or wide reading assignment.

Learning Areas:

English, Languages

Assessment Information

Year !0 can gain 10 credits towards NCEA Level 1 (held till 2025)
US 31036 v1 Complete basic forms (EL Foundation) 5 credits
US 31025 Present information (EL Foundation) OR US 31026 Present information (EL Level 1) Both 5 credits

Year 8 and 9 are assessed throughout the year on ELLP (English Language Learning Progressions): Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking and Vocabulary

					Course Contribution and Equipment (this value is only indicative)

$45 Stepsweb login, Workbook, Education Perfect for ESOL, and some photocopying


Although we aim to enable every learner to have the course that they prefer,  limited places or learning requirements may restrict learners' choices.