Teacher in Charge: Ms S. Shone.
Recommended Prior LearningAt least 4 years music tuition on your chosen instrument or voice and to have taken Year 12 Music, or to have HOD approval by interview or audition.
The L3 Music course can be highly individualised. There are 11 standards in which to choose from to create a highly individual program to suit your skills and level.
Pre-requisites and Corequisites:
To have at least 4 years previous music experience and lessons on an instrument or voice, or to have taken either Year 12 Music and/or NCEA Level 2 Music
It is highly recommended that all students have either itinerant or private instrumental or vocal lessons to support them with their performance assessments so they can be at the required 5th year of performance by the end of the year and are part of an extra curricular music group. Having the ability to read music is an advantage but not necessary as there are plenty of music standards available without doing theory .
This music course is a full year course which covers a large range of musical skills and course options.
This course has individualised programmes where each Level 3 Music student may select from the following achievement standards after talking with your teacher, and HOD Music , when choosing a minimum of 14 credits or more.
Merit Endorsement: 14 credits at Merit or Excellence level with at least 3 external credits.
Excellence Endorsement:14 credits at Merit or Excellence level with at least 3 external credits.
Learners may choose to enter for a Music Scholarship to further their study at Tertiary level. Please see the HOD Music if interested in preparing a Portfolio and preparing for a Performance recital/Composition portfolio/Musicology portfolio.
The L3 Music course can be highly individualised. There are 11 standards in which to choose from to create a highly individual program to suit your skills and level. There are composition standards, research standards, aural standards, performance (both solo and group) and within the first few lessons, you and your teacher will compile the best course for your year in music.
It is important to note that if a learner wants a music subject endorsement, they must do the external exam, 3.6 - Demonstrate understanding of harmonic and tonal conventions in a range of musical scores.
- It is highly recommended that you talk with HOD Music Ms. Sonya Shone is you have any questions about L3 Music.
Merit Course Endorsement: 14 credits at Merit level which include at least 3 Merit external credits.
Excellence Course Endorsement:14 Excellence credits which include at least 3 Excellence external credits.
Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Actor, Art Director (Film, Television or Stage), Artistic Director, Film and Video Editor, Sound Technician, Dancer, Entertainer, Film/Television Camera Operator, Musician, Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Radio Presenter, Early Childhood Teacher, Media Producer, Production Assistant (Film, Television, Radio or Stage), Lighting Technician, Game Developer, Model, Nanny/Child Carer, Private Teacher/Tutor
Course Contribution and Equipment (this value is only indicative)$250 L3 Music Workbook / One year of intinerant music lessons (30 mins per week) and instrument hire (if needed)
Although we aim to enable every learner to have the course that they prefer, limited places or learning requirements may restrict learners' choices.