Whangaparaoa College Whangaparaoa College

Senior Online Learning Course

Course Description

Teacher in Charge:

Please include in your exemption request which of the courses in the link below you would like to do as an Online Learning Course

If there is an option that is not offered by our school then it may be possible for you to take it through the Online Learning Community, please see the link below for the possibilities:


The Online Learning Community (OLC) is highly successful community of New Zealand Secondary Schools, from across New Zealand, who reciprocate to provide quality teaching and learning opportunities for their students in the an online environment.

 Affiliated schools can offer their students a wide range of curriculum areas, courses and subjects, all based on the New Zealand Curriulum and NCEA qualifications.

 The OLC belongs to a larger New Zealand online learning community - the Virtual Learning Network (VLN) - which gives schools access to over 100 courses, enabling them to more successfully meet the learning needs of their students.


For learners to be considered they must:

- have an outstanding work ethic and demonstrate a high level of personal responsibility. 

- must demonstrate excellent self-management skills

- must be disciplined and committed to all online learning requirements, including having a high attendance to school

- must have a suitable device to enable them to engage with learning


					Course Contribution and Equipment (this value is only indicative)

Will differ depending on the course selected, learners may be expected to purchase textbooks or workbooks in order to fully participate in the learning.
Must have a working device and charger to be brought each day.


Although we aim to enable every learner to have the course that they prefer,  limited places or learning requirements may restrict learners' choices.