Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Palmer, Mrs M. Sinclair.
Recommended Prior LearningYear 10 Sciences at Whangaparāoa College preferred.
This is a full year (4x per week) specialist course for learners who want to complete Level 2/3 courses in Chemistry, Biology or Earth and Space Science.
This course can be taken along with the L1 Physics Earth/Space course for learners who want to learn specialist content knowledge for future Science careers such as Biomedical Sciences and/or Engineering.
The course has THREE assessments across the year with an optional standard for learners if they are not also in the L1SCIE01 class and want more assessment experience in a Biology context. See details below regarding credit value and assessment style.
Topics of study in this course include Genetics, Ecology, Chemical Properties and Types of Reactions. It is taught by teachers who are specialists in both Chemistry and Biology.
Level 2 Biology, Level 2 Chemistry, Level 2 Space Science
Career PathwaysBiotechnologist, Brewer, Clinical Physiologist, Science Technician, Medical Laboratory Scientist, Community Karitāne, Forensic Scientist, Energy and Chemical Plant Operator, Food Technologist, Forest Manager, Forestry Scientist, Pest Control Technician, Ship's Master, Acupuncturist, Personal Trainer/Exercise Professional, Registered Nurse, Agricultural/Horticultural Scientist, Agricultural/Horticultural Consultant, Paramedic, Anaesthetist, Pathologist, Veterinary Nurse, Zoologist, Beekeeper, Chemist, Aquaculture Farmer, Zookeeper, Marine Biologist, Arborist, Medical Physicist, Meat/Seafood Process Worker, Audiologist/Audiometrist, Microbiologist
Course Contribution and Equipment (this value is only indicative)$56 SciPAD Genetics Micro, Chemical Reactions Micro, Properties of Chemicals Micro, Education Perfect
2B8 hardcover notebook required for each learner.
Although we aim to enable every learner to have the course that they prefer, limited places or learning requirements may restrict learners' choices.